

This album will contain six pieces of music that resonate with the way you interpret and process sound.  From mid-complex melodies to the avant-garde and ambient sound, this music will both elevate and relax your state of mind. Melodies are initially generated using avantNovaTM, arsMosisTM, and topoNovaTM and then woven together to create the fundamental…
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Cascadia Composers Lecture Series 2020

I will be presenting my work in algorithmic music composition at the Cascadia Composers Lecture Series on January 13, 2020 at 7:00 PM in Lincoln Hall, Room 219, at Portland State University.  The presentation will cover three main algorithms; arsNova, arsMosis, and topoNova.  This suite of programs generates melodies based on the fundamental concepts of…
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RacketCon 2019

I will be presenting my algorithmic composition work this Summer at RacketCon 2019 in Salt Lake City, Utah.  The title of my talk is: A Mental Model for Algorithmic Music Composition.  Here is the abstract:

Winter NAMM 2019!

 See you at Winter NAMM 2019 in Anaheim, California!  We are located at booth 8300 in the Anaheim Convention Center and showcasing our new software application for algorithm music composition called, arsNovaTM. Algorythms is a company dedicated to creating a sophisticated system for generating musical melodies.  We are also dedicated to the education of music…
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Using Uniform Triadic Transformations to Map Out Chord Progressions

Transformational music theory involves the study of how musical objects, such as chords and rhythm, can transform from one to another.  The music theorist Hugo Riemann (1849 – 1919) studied transformations of chords through operators that formed a group, these operators were defined by their voice leading properties.  Voice leading is essentially how individual notes…
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The Axis System as Applied to Minimalist Composition

The axis system involves harmonic and tonal substitution, and creates a functional relationship between tones and chords.  This system shows how chords and tones relate by intervals of a minor third and a tritone, which function as tonal substitutes for one another.  The axis system was created by Ernő Lendvaí, who was one of the…
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Fourth Species Counterpoint and the Klein Four-Group

We are going to compose a short piece of music, then extend the music by adding symmetry relations. This will allow us to create a tonal-atonal-tonal structure.  In particular, we will be using a Klein four-group, from the field of group theory.  The Klein four-group has some very interesting properties that can be directly applied…
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